姓名: | 黄海涛 |
性别: | 男 |
出生年月: | 1984.2 |
学历: | 博士研究生 |
职务: | 教师 |
职称: | 副教授 |
Email: | hht840211@163.com |
联系电话: | 13913457839 |
专业与主要研究方向: | |
1.光学工程:激光技术与应用 | |
教授课程: | |
1.非线性光学 | |
研究生培养基础要求: | |
有一定的激光原理、非线性光学基础,对激光技术和科研工作有浓厚兴趣。 | |
个人教育简历: | |
2001-2005年获山东师范大学理学学士学位; 2005-2008年获山东师范大学光学学士学位(推荐免试); 2008-2011年获山东大学凝聚态物理博士学位; | |
个人工作简历: | |
2011.7 - 至今江苏师范大学副教授 2014.7 - 2015.8 新加坡南洋理工大学访问学者 | |
社会兼职: | |
美国光学工程学会(OSA)会员 | |
近期主要主持的项目: | |
1.国家自然科学基金项目:“新型铥掺杂氧化镥钪陶瓷光谱展宽效应及2μm波段超快激光特性研究(61308047)”。项目经费:25万,项目负责人。 2.国家自然科学基金项目:“中红外波段热效应驱动型光学双稳态激光产生机理及调控研究(61605068)”。项目经费:20万,主要参与人。 | |
代表性论文: | |
1.Haitao Huang, Min Li, Pian Liu, Lin Jin, Hui Wang, and Deyuan Shen, Gold nanorods as the saturable absorber for a diode-pumped nanosecond Q-switched 2 μm solid-state laser, Opt. Lett. 41, 2700-2703 (2016). 2.H. T. Huang, M. Li, L. Wang, X. Liu, D. Y. Shen, and D. Y. Tang, “Gold Nanorods as Single and Combined Saturable Absorbers for a High-Energy Q-Switched Nd:YAG Solid-State Laser,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.7, no.4, 4501210 (2015). 3.H. T. Huang, L. Wang, D. Y. Shen, J. Zhang and D. Y. Tang, “Self-Pulsed Nanosecond 2.7μm Solid-StateErbium Laser by Cooperatively Enhanced Reabsorption,” IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.7, no.6, 1504207 (2015). 4.Haitao Huang, Deyuan Shen, Jingliang He, Hao chen, and Yong Wang, “Nanosecond nonlinear Čerenkov conical beams generation by intracavity sum frequency mixing in KTiOAsO4 crystal,” Opt. Lett. 38, 576-578 (2013). 5.Haitao Huang, Deyuan Shen, and Jingliang He, “Compact 1625-nm Noncritically Phase-Matched KTiOPO4 Optical Parametric Oscillator Intracavity Driven by the KTiOAsO4 Raman Laser,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 25, 359-361(2013). 6.Haitao Huang and Jingliang He, “A new view on the temperature insensitivity of intracavity SHG configuration,” Opt. Express 20, 9079-9089 (2012). 7.Haitao Huang, Deyuan Shen, and Jingliang He, “Simultaneous pulse generation of orthogonally polarized dual-wavelength at 1091 and 1095 nm by coupled stimulated Raman scattering,” Opt. Express 20, 27838-27846 (2012). 8.Hai-Tao Huang, Jing-Liang He, Bai-Tao Zhang, Jian-Fei Yang, Jin-Long Xu, Chun-Hua Zuo, and Xu-Tang Tao, “V3+:YAG as the saturable absorber for a diode-pumped quasi-three-level dual-wavelength Nd:GGG laser,” Opt. Express 18, 3352-3357 (2010). 9.Hai-Tao Huang, Shuai-Yi Zhang, Jin-Long Xu, Jian-Qiu Xu, Bin Zhao and Jing-Liang He, “The continuous-wave passive mode-locking operation of a diode-pumped mixed Nd:Lu0.5Y0.5VO4 laser,” Laser Phys. Lett. 8, 197-200(2011). 10.Hai-Tao Huang, Shuai-Yi Zhang, Jing-Liang He, Jian-Qiu Xu, Bin Zhao, “Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:Lu0.5Y0.5VO4 laser at 1.34μm with Co2+:LaMgAl11O19 as the saturable absorber,” IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 23, 112-114 (2011). 11.H. T. Huang, J. L. He, S. D. Liu, J. F. Yang, B. T. Zhang, F. Q. Liu, “Efficient generation of 1096nm and 1572nm by simultaneous stimulated Raman scattering and optical parametric oscillation in one KTiOPO4 crystal,” Appl. Phys. B 103, 129-135(2011). 12.H. T. Huang, J. L. He and Y. Wang, “Second Stokes 1129 nm generation in gray-trace resistance KTP intracavity driven by a diode-pumped Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser,” Appl. Phys. B 102, 873-878(2011). 13.H. T. Huang, J. L. He, H. W. Yang ,S. D. Liu, F. Q. Liu, X. Q.Yang, J. L. Xu , J. F. Yang, and B. T. Zhang, “An investigation on the improved performance of the shared cavity optical parametric oscillators,” Opt. Commun. 284, 616-618(2010). 14.Hai-Tao Huang, Bai-Tao Zhang, Jing-Liang He, Jian-Fei Yang, Jin-Long Xu, Xiu-Qin Yang, Chun-Hua Zuo, and Shuang Zhao, Diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:Gd0.5Y0.5VO4 laser at 1.34μm with V3+:YAG as the saturable absorber, Opt. Express 17, 6946-6951 (2009). | |
专利: | |
无 | |
获奖情况: | |
1.教育部首届博士研究生学术新人奖(2010年度); 2.2014年江苏省青蓝工程优秀中青年骨干教师 |