美国康奈尔大学Prof.Frank W. Wise第一场学术报告
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美国康奈尔大学Prof.Frank W. Wise第一场学术报告

发布时间: 2014-12-18     文章作者:     浏览次数: 40

2014年12月13日上午10:00 Prof. Frank W.Wise在我校药物重点实验室学术报告厅做了题为“ Properties and Applications of Lead-Salt Nanostructures (铅盐类纳米结构物的性质和应用)”的学术报告,报告会由先进激光材料与器件重点实验室副主任赵鹭明老师主持,物电学院部分领导老师及学生参加并聆听了学术报告。

报告内容:The lead-salt semiconductors PbS, PbSe, and PbTe have large, loosely-boundexcitons and remarkable dielectric properties. These features makelead-salt nanostructures ideal for investigation of the interplay of quantumconfinement and Coulomb interactions of electrons and holes. After atutorial introduction to quantum confinement in semiconductors, theproperties of lead-salt quantum dots will be presented. Applications tooptoelectronic devices such as solar cells and infrared emitters will bediscussed.



Frank Wise received a BS degree from Princeton University, a MS degree from the University of California at Berkeley, and a PhD from Cornell University. Before PhD studies at Cornell, he worked on advanced integrated circuits at Bell Laboratories. Since receiving the PhD in 1989, he has been on the faculty in Applied Physics at Cornell. His group has efforts in nonlinear pulse propagation and semiconductor nanostructures. Since 2002 his group has been working on fiber lasers.From 2007 to 2011 he was director of the School of Applied and Engineering Physics.

美国物理学会会士(Fellow of the American Physical Society);

美国光学学会会士(Fellow of the Optical Society of America)。

发表论文200余篇,SCI他引接近万次。其中Science一篇、Nature Photonics一篇、Nature Nanotechnology一篇、Physical Review Letters 12篇。超快光学权威。研究方向包括超短脉冲源的发展和使用超短脉冲源测量超快现象等。