

发布时间:2015-09-06     文章作者:     浏览次数:283


      报告会内容:Abstract Ultrafast fibre lasers are regarded as the next generation light sources. They have wide applications in the fields of optical communication, metrology, sensing, imaging etc..Intensive studies have been done on the generation of short pulses (i.e., sub 100 fs, few cycle),high power, high energy and different wavelength window. The recent development of ultrafast fibre laser research activities at AIPT has been reviewed. Polarisation, as an important property of light pulses, has rarely been exploited. This is due to the polarisation dependency of the approaches that used to achieve ultrashort pulses such as nonlinear polarisation rotation, and nonlinear interferometry. Recently, the development of carbon nanotube (CNT) and graphene as low cost, compact, and polarisation independent saturable absorber has offered us a more convenient approach to achieve ultrafast fibre lasers. Using the CNT mode locked fibre laser, by properly adjusting the intracavity polarisation controller, we have observed various polarisation patterns in the format of Poincare sphere under a number of mode locking regimes such as soliton,soliton molecues, stretch pulse and harmonic mode locking. A unique spiral pattern has been observed for the first time and recognized as a polarization attractor. Using a home developed fast polarimeter, we have also resolved the pulse to pulse polarisation dynamics which highlighted by a triangular or linear pattern


牟成博,男,阿斯顿光子技术研究所(AIPT)工业光子学高级研究员。2004年于天津大学获得工学学士学位,2005年于英国圣安德鲁斯大学获得理学硕士学位,2006年获得阿斯顿大学国际学生奖学金于AIPT攻读博士学位。2012年获得阿斯顿大学光子学博士学位。2009年,阿斯顿大学首位优秀海外留学生奖学金获得者。2010年,获得英国物理学会(IOP)旅行基金。2015年获得英国学术委员会资助下(British Council)在俄罗斯科学院举办的新型光电材料研讨会座特邀报告;2015年,教育部春晖计划资助下前往西南交通大学进行学术交流。2015年入选首批上海市“青年东方学者”人才计划。博士期间作为主要研究人员参与美国空军及波音公司共同自助的新型偏振光栅在大功率光纤激光器中的制备、特性及应用研究。在国际上首次将倾斜光纤光栅引入到光纤激光器的研究中,并首次实现以45度倾斜光纤光栅作为核心器件的超快光纤激光器,主要的研究方向为新型超快全光纤激光器的设计及特性研究。2010年起,作为工业光子学研究员对中英格兰地区超过60余个公司提供基于超快激光及光纤传感器方面的技术顾问。,目前以第一作者及通信作者发表国际论文13篇,英国专利1项,参与撰写书籍2章,国际大会特邀报告6次,Scientific ReportACS PhotonicsOptics LettersOptics Express Applied Physics Letters等知名国际期刊审稿人。多次在CLEOOFCOFS等国际大会做学术报告。目前研究的领域为超快激光器的偏振动力学研究,研究成果受到Nature Photonics等国际知名媒体关注。

